My name is Jan Reijnders and I live in Deurne. I am officially a carpenter but now work at a bungalow park.

How did you come into contact with Nano CellCare treatment?
Through my daughter’s mother shiatsu masseuse.

What were your complaints?
I have had neck complaints for 15 years. Think through work, hard work.

Have you tried other types of treatments for the Nano CellCare treatment?
Shiatsu and manual therapy.

How many times have you been treated now?
Treated 4 times, and I will definitely continue the treatments.

How do you experience the effect of this treatment?
That I am quite satisfied with this treatment. With Nano it is different how should I explain it. Normally they have to crack or not and now they don’t have to crack. It is very soothing, the complaint is less. And in general it is a lot quieter.

What side effects have you experienced from the Nano CellCare treatment?
No side effects at all. I feel good about it. It is very peaceful and relaxing. Not painful.

Is Nano CellCare recommended?
It’s different for everyone and I recommend everyone to do it!


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